The company has traded for 20 years, and all customers and sites are based in the North East of England.

The business has 3-year contracts with approximately 35 customers. These contracts generate c£40,000 per annum.

The standard contract involves:

  • Acting as the client’s Competent Person under the “Management Regulations”
  • Annual Health & Safety Audit and report
  • Proactive advice on changes affecting the client
  • Reactive advice via telephone and email

These contracts have a high renewal rate.

The company generates additional revenue of approximately £40,000 per annum from the above customers through:

  • Site inspections – Regular and one-off
  • Training – Formal on-site and classroom
  • Training – Informal “toolbox” sessions
  • Applications for client accreditations under CHAS and Safe Contractor schemes
  • Registrations with Constructionline and other industry databases

The business has minimal overheads and is currently run by the owner with a great deal of flexibility and ample free time.

There are substantial opportunities to develop the business by adding additional services, and extra clients and actively marketing the services.